Technology is taking everything to a whole new level. What we knew of existing only tangibly before, now exists in "soft copy" and in the digital world. And I don't mean just songs, videos, pictures, documents, books, etc. Yes, the digital world really is taking everything to a new level-- now that even stalkers and bullies lurk around online.
If it was bad enough to have to face them in real life, how and what more can we possibly tolerate of them now? Also, if I may add, the job of stalking and bullying seems to be made easier for them because of the convenience of using the World Wide Web. The benefit of staying faceless and un-identifiable may be theirs, but the burden of utter discomfort is definitely on us.
Although this might be the case, the last thing I would want is to scare off my readers (Hello! If you guys actually exist)! As every problem works, it is always easier to prevent it from happening and blowing up first. The stalking, bullying, and discomfort wouldn't even take place if we don't provide potential predators firsthand with information they can use to act sinister, now would it? This is why keeping our personal information private and our publicly available information limited is the best safety measure we can take. And of course, let us not be afraid to report these stalkers and bullies. Social networking sites are actually and already taking their part in ensuring our online safety and privacy by providing a "Report" button in every user's profile for us to click on if the identified user threatens us in any way.
Also, thanks (again) to ZoneAlarm, I have included in this post another info-graphic, this time on "The Online Reality of Stalker and Bullies". Same old drill: click on the image to enlarge.
Happy helpful and informative reading!